From Casual Star to Professional Footballer: Guess Who These Cute Kids Turned Into — Part 17

Guess Who These Cute Kids Turned Into — Part 17

From Casual Star to Professional Footballer

Before this young athlete with his hat backward turned into a professional footballer, he was just a casual star of his football, basketball, and baseball teams in Cold Spring, Minnesota … before heading off to the University of Minnesota.

While his main bread and butter may have come from his athletic skills, he’s also no stranger to makin’ a buck in Hollywood … he was on a reality TV show, which documented him and his wifey navigating marriage and careers. Today, he’s a father of 3 kids (and another one on the way)!

Need one more clue? Talk to Jessie!

Can you guess who he is?

This athlete went from playing sports in Minnesota to reality TV stardom. Looks like he knows how to tackle both a football and the spotlight!

Original article