Charlie Puth, the multi-talented musician behind the hit “We Don’t Talk Anymore,” has come to the aid of a street performer named Andrew Hsu. In a heartwarming gesture, Charlie reached out to Andrew after a video of him went viral. The video showed a woman smashing Andrew’s piano while he was performing in Georgia.
Charlie sent Andrew a direct message expressing his sympathy for the unfortunate incident. He wrote, “I’m sorry that bull s*** happened to you… Don’t let it ever discourage you from performing, I know it won’t… But that video just upset me so much. You’re a wonderful player and I wish you nothing but success and constant musical inspiration.”
Andrew was grateful for Charlie’s support and replied, thanking him for the kind words. He also shared that he attended one of Charlie’s shows in Georgia and expressed his desire to meet both Charlie and Billy Joel.
The video of the incident showed Andrew playing Billy Joel’s iconic song “Piano Man” when a rude woman approached, smashing his piano to the ground. Andrew accused her of stealing from his tip jar. However, the woman eventually apologized after facing intense backlash.
Charlie mentioned that he couldn’t promise to set up a meeting between Andrew and Billy Joel, as the legendary musician doesn’t have a cell phone. Nevertheless, Charlie extended an invitation for Andrew to attend one of his future shows.
Since the video went viral, Andrew has received an outpouring of support from people who want to donate to him. He shared his Venmo on social media, and within just two days, he received $2,000 to purchase a new keyboard and keyboard stand.
It’s great to see that this story has a happy ending for Athens’ piano man. With the support of Charlie Puth and the generous donations, Andrew can continue pursuing his passion for music.
Original article