Britney Spears’ New Book and Music Make Waves: Millions of Streams and Record Book Sales

Britney Spears’ new book is causing quite a stir, and it’s not just the pages that are turning heads. Her music is also making massive waves, with millions of streams in just one day.

According to data from Spotify and YouTube, Britney’s library received over 7.1 million streams on the day after “The Woman in Me” was released. Spotify alone accounted for 4.7 million of those listens.

Let’s break down the numbers. Britney’s album “In The Zone” grabbed around 1 million streams, “Circus” got 790,000, “…Baby One More Time” had roughly 750,000, and “Oops!…I Did It Again” had around 650,000 streams.

When it comes to individual songs on Spotify, “Toxic” took the top spot with around 680,000 streams. Hits like “Gimme More,” “Oops!…I Did it Again,” and “…Baby One More Time” landed between 400,000 and 500,000 streams.

YouTube data shows that “…Baby One More Time” alone got over 400,000 clicks. Looks like there’s some great cross-promotion happening here.

With the success of her book, Britney is set to earn an impressive 25% of the net profits. Sources say it should cover the $12.5 million advance she received. Over 400,000 copies of the book have already been sold, and the trajectory suggests it could surpass 1 million.

Original article