Terrified residents in Maine were caught on camera sprinting for their lives as chaos ensued at a local bowling alley. In a horrific incident, the gunman, identified as Robert Card, went on a sick rampage, indiscriminately taking the lives of many innocent people.
According to surveillance footage released on Wednesday night, Card allegedly used an AR-15-style rifle to carry out the shooting, resulting in the death of up to 20 individuals and injuring 50 to 60 more. Currently, there is an ongoing police manhunt to capture the shooter.
The bowling alley was hosting a youth bowling league at the time of the incident, adding to the horror and tragedy. Reports suggest that at least one teenager was wounded, although it is unclear if other members of the league were also victims.
Disturbing images of the suspect brandishing his assault rifle as he entered the bowling alley were posted on the Androscoggin County Sheriff’s Office’s Facebook page. As the shooter remains at large, survivors are doing their best to find shelter and distance themselves from the danger.
After the shooting at the bowling alley, Card fled the scene and proceeded to a bar and grill where he allegedly continued his rampage. The suspect’s abandoned white Subaru Outback was later discovered by the police in Lisbon, Maine.
Authorities have issued a shelter-in-place order for residents of Lewiston, Lisbon, and Bowdoin, Maine, with the safety precaution expanded to Bowdoin due to Card’s ties to the area. As a result, schools and businesses have been closed down.
Card, a seasoned firearms instructor with 20 years of military experience, had a history of mental health issues. He had previously made threats to shoot up the National Guard Base and was committed to a mental institution for two weeks before being released.
Following the devastating massacre, Card remains on the loose, and authorities have labeled him as armed and dangerous. The search for him continues, and the community remains on high alert.
Original article https://www.tmz.com/2023/10/26/maine-mass-shooting-lewiston-dead-fleeing-safety-bowling-alley-suspect-loose/