Jenelle Evans, the reality TV star from “Teen Mom,” is feeling betrayed and unable to trust anyone in her life, including her own family. The source of her distress is the recent child abuse charge against her husband, David Eason, which involves her 14-year-old son, Jace.
In a series of social media posts, Jenelle expresses her frustration, saying, “I do not trust anyone around me … I have no idea what human being I can trust anymore, not even my own blood.” She goes on to explain, “I’m being fed all these different stories from different people. People trying to get on my good side… To then betray me over and over.”
Jenelle does not explicitly name the individuals responsible for her betrayal in her posts. However, she criticizes the North Carolina police who handled the child abuse case, accusing them of conducting a one-sided investigation and failing to gather information from the parents. She also expresses her disappointment with the detective overseeing the case, exclaiming, “FORGOT YOU CAN’T TRUST COPS… SILLY ME.”
TMZ previously reported that David Eason was charged with a misdemeanor after Jace ran away from their home, prompting an investigation. This incident marked the third time Jace had run away within a month.
It is worth mentioning that earlier this year, Jenelle gained custody of Jace from her mother, Barbara. Jace is now David’s stepson.
For now, David has remained silent on the matter, while Jenelle has chosen to speak out regarding the incident.
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